Company Profile

Gaston has a strong focus on research and technological development to foster its growth and supply innovative solutions to its customers.

Gaston India

Gaston Energy India is a collaborative venture with Gaston, Hong Kong that has commenced its production and exports of VRLA batteries at Jaipur, Rajasthan.

Gaston Energy India now brings to you, from India, the batteries of the repute of Gaston, a leading international name in the world of Batteries and offer you the best of both the worlds – the quality backed by the established Gaston technology and the commercial advantage of production in India.

The name Gaston is synonymous with quality that is well known in China and its various export markets that Gaston is servicing from its China factories.

Now the same top quality products are being manufactured in India by Gaston’s Indian plant located in Jaipur. Gaston Energy India has a team of Chinese experts that man all the critical manufacturing processes, ensuring the highest possible quality.

Gaston Energy India can supply VRLA batteries to suit clients’ requirements in

Its ultra-modern manufacturing facility in Jaipur is large and has a capacity of 1200 KVAH per day. Presently it can also supply Battery Plates of various sizes and capacities at very reasonable prices. These particularly will be a great boon to various battery assembling factories.

Gaston Group

Gaston Group, which owns 3 factories 0f hi-technology valve regulated Sealed battery. Its production scale and marketing shares take a leading role in the Chinese domestic market. 8 ranges of products are extensively used in the trades of telecommunication, electric power, broadcast television milting equipment, ups system, solar energy and security.

Gaston Battery Industrial LTD, headquartered in Hongkong, has opened an Logistic office and invest 100% a production base in mainland China. It focus on the overseas international market and offers a wide range of service to help group growing and globalizing.


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